




追光而遇 沐光而行


教育是国之大计,民族之根本。今年我国的教师节主题是“躬耕教坛 强国有我”,强调一位优秀的教师不仅有扎实的学术功底,更要有高尚的道德品质和热爱教育的志向与抱负。


你们严于律己,不断进取;你们心怀大爱,成就他人;你们勤奋尽责,卓尔不群。你们不断探索精进的教学方法,为践行“更中国 更世界”的办学特色奉献智慧与青春。











Chasing the Light Together

Dear teachers, in this wonderful season when Osmanthus fragrans flourishes, we celebrate the 39th Teacher’s Day of the People’s Republic of China.

Education is a major program of a country and the foundation of a nation. The theme of this Teacher’s Day is “being devoted to education and contributing to a stronger country”, which stresses that an excellent teacher should not only have a solid academic foundation, but more importantly, have lofty moral qualities and a true love for the education profession.

Our misson is "Cultivate outstanding global citizens and lifelong learners who are integrated with foreign countries". You have joined Tongman for our respective education dreams and common vision, and you have interpreted “being devoted to education and contributing to a stronger country” with your concrete actions.

You are strict with yourselves and keep making progress; you cherish love for humanity and help others succeed selflessly; you are diligent, conscientious and unmatched. You keep exploring better teaching methods, and contribute your wisdom and youth to the practice of our educational idea of “Embrace China, Embrace the World”.

Here, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all our faculty and staff members!

Thank you for your careful teaching that has enabled our students to thrive, and thank you for your tremendous hard work that has helped our school train outstanding talents year after year.

Excellent schools have different characteristics, but one thing in common is that they all have a high-quality and professional faculty. Therefore, we should further strengthen the building of teacher ethics and conduct, improve the education and teaching level of our teachers, train more outstanding talents, and explore ways of high-quality education development. In the meantime, we will pay more attention to teacher care in health and life, help all teachers relieve stress and work smoothly, and improve their senses of happiness and gain.

We see stars because of hope in our hearts, and we are gathered because of the light. Education is the bright light that enlightens the future of children, the way in which one soul awakens another soul, and a lofty and great cause.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Guangzhou Lingnan Education Group and the 9th anniversary of the establishment of Tongman Education Group. For the past three decades, my like-minded companions and I have been running schools with altruistic and compassionate minds; In the future, we will also stick to our original aspirations, and be fully dedicated to our education careers on a new journey.

Finally, may the light and love be always with you, and wish you all the best in your work and life. Happy Teacher’s Day!

Winnie He

Chairman of Tongman Education Group and Director-general of the Affiliated Huawai-Tongman Foreign Language School 

September 10, 2023